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A note from Warren Sharp:
I’ve spent the last 8 days dissecting this matchup from an offensive perspective for each team, as I do for the teams and offensive coordinators I consult with each year. Because defense is so reactionary and dependent on what an offense does, it’s often useful to first focus on what an offense wants to do and then see whether those things will see success against defensive weaknesses.
If not, look at what that offense can change and still do well enough to attack those defensive weaknesses. I did find some elements that a particular defensive coordinator in this game could tweak to dramatically (in my opinion) improve odds of success.
It’s a melancholy feeling completing this report – you’ll find that I analyzed this game way too deeply for any rational person – but this is my passion and the last time I’ll dig into a pregame matchup like this for 6 months until the 2024 season starts.
When you come back to thinking about this Super Bowl, there are many angles to consider, and you’ve no doubt seen many discussed on TV already. Some are more obvious than others. I wanted to call your attention to those that I’ve found to be the most critical in determining the final result of the Super Bowl.