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Warren Sharp and Sharp Football Analysis offer the level of examination, insight, and actionable recommendations found in NFL meeting rooms and front offices throughout the league.
That's why professional betting groups and NFL teams hire him — to find the edges to exploit and the advantages to accelerate wins.
Warren's fully documented 18-year track record of providing winning NFL recommendations speaks for itself.
A $100 bettor is up $16,347 following Warren’s picks this season.
2024 SEASON RECORDS: NFL: 488-368 (57%) ⭑ College: 100-68 (60%) ⭑ All Bets: 588-436 (58%)
⭑ NFL Totals ⭑
2022: 71% (W-L: 37-15)
2021: 82% (23-5)
Lifetime: 62%
⭑ NFL Picks ⭑
2022: 59% (W-L: 92-63)
2021: 60% (65-43)
Lifetime: 58%
⭑ College Picks ⭑
2022: 57% (W-L: 126-94)
2021: 59% (72-51)
Lifetime: 56%